Monday, August 19, 2024

25 August 2024 - bulletin reflection - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

This upcoming week, we celebrate the feast days of St Monica and St Augustine of Hippo. Monica, a faithful Christian, always prayed for the conversion of her son Augustine, even when he was very far from a life of faith. Augustine had a great conversion and became an important theologian and Bishop in the Early Church. Many of us have family members or friends for whom we offer prayers, for whom we desire to have a conversion of faith or to be brought closer into the Church. May we join our prayers with the prayers of Augustine and Monica this upcoming week, praying for others and for their journey of faith. For the next two weekends I will be out of town on Mission Appeals in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Know that my prayers are with all of you. Blessings - Father Lincoln.

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