Friday, May 17, 2024

Bulletin Reflection - The Most Holy Trinity - 26 May 2024

As I reflect upon the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity that we celebrate this weekend, I thought of my visits throughout the Diocese to different parishes in my role as vicar general.  I thought of the different things we are involved in here in the Jackson metro area. Our ministry in the Diocese of Jackson should be rooted in our life in the Trinity: in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our faith has its foundations in the Trinity, as we are not just baptized in the name of Jesus, but rather in the name of the Trinity, as mandated by Jesus himself. We participate in the life of the Trinity as disciples of Christ. Gregory of Nyssa (335-395), an Early Church Father who wrote a great deal about the Trinity, stated that “Holy Baptism imparts to us the grace of eternal life because of our faith in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” We are called to emulate the love of the Trinity in the way we live as disciples of Christ. Reaching to others and evangelizing the community are some of the ways we can live out the love of the Most Holy Trinity in the reality of daily life. Blessings to all of you on this great solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity that we celebrate today in our Church’s liturgical year. Father Lincoln.

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