Monday, May 27, 2024

Bulletin Reflection - 2 June 2024 - Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Corpus Christi

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is leading a National Eucharistic Revival, which will take place from 2022-2025. The Revival launched on the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 19, 2022. Over these 3 years, parishes and dioceses throughout the country will host events that focus on the Eucharist. There will be a Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July as a part of this revival. For the past two years, I have been participating in a special national program at the McGrath Institute at the University of Notre Dame as a part of the Eucharistic revival. All of us in that program are working on projects that reflect the Eucharistic revival in different ways, through music, religious formation, youth groups, parish spirituality, priestly spirituality, social justice issues, etc. I have been working on the Eucharist as the center of the prison ministry, having the inmates see themselves as Eucharistic missionaries in the prison environment, bringing the presence of the Body and Blood of Christ to that reality. In the Eucharistic revival, our US Bishops pray to the Holy Spirit, that the spirit of God enkindle a missionary fire in the heart of our nation as we reconsecrate ourselves to the source and summit of our faith. Blessings to you on this wonderful feast day. Father Lincoln. 

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