Saturday, May 11, 2024

11 May 2024 - Saturday of the 6th week of Easter - Acts 18:23-28

We continue to hear about Paul’s missionary journeys in our reading from Acts today.  Paul and his companions often encounter resistance, but they also receive affirmations and conversions.  Today, a man name Apollos, shows how much he has learned about Jesus, but he has only received a baptism in repentance for his sins, not being baptized in Jesus. Apollos is helped by other disciples to learn more about the faith. 

I have a couple of observations about how this reading might apply to us.  First, what efforts are we making to learn more about the faith.  Even though I studied for many years in the seminary and have served in ministry for many years, I still have a lot to learn about the faith. I am constantly trying to read, to study, and to learn from my experiences and my ministry as well. What efforts are we making? 

Secondly, like the disciples who reached out to Apollos and helped him learn more, how are we reaching out to our brothers and sisters?  How are we encouraging and teaching others in the ways of the faith. Being a part of the community of disciples means helping contribute to that community as well. 

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