Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Prayers of the faithful - Holy Week - 31 March 2021

 Lord Jesus - you call us to carry our crosses. 

Christ Jesus - you suffered and died for us. 

Lord Jesus - you give us words of encouragement and hope

In our journey with Jesus during Holy Week, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father: 

1. Let us pray for the Church: That in this holiest of weeks, her members might cling to Jesus, the world’s true hope, in their own suffering and difficulties.    

2. Let us pray for the world: For an end to war, greed and all that keeps humanity from living in the hope that Jesus brings.  

3. Let us pray for all those who suffer.:That God might send them relief and peace.   

4. Let us pray for all parents: That during Holy Week, they feel the Lord helping them raise their children in the values of the faith. 

5.  That all Christians me feel the hope of our faith in their hearts.  

6. For healing for all those who are sick, those who are struggling in life, those who are suffering.  

7. For the response of the souls of the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life.  

Out of our simplicity and humility, we present our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.   AMEN.  

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