Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Prayers of the faithful for the mass of the sacrament of confirmation - St James Catholic Church - Tupelo Mississippi - 29 April 2017

Bishop: My dear friends: let us be one in prayer to God our Father as we are one in faith, hope and love.  As we celebrate the risen Christ today on the third Sunday of Easter, we present our prayers: 
1. For the sons and daughters of God who are confirmed by the gift of the Holy Spirit today, that they may always give witness to Christ by their lives, we pray to the Lord. 
2. For the parents, godparents, sponsors, and teachers who have led our confirmation candidates in faith, that by their word and example they may always encourage them to follow the way of our Savior Jesus Christ, we pray to the Lord. 
3. For the holy Church of God, in union with Francis, our pope, Joseph Kopacz, our bishop, and all the lay and ordained leaders of our Diocese, that God, who gathers us together by the Holy Spirit, may help us to grow in unity of faith and love, until his Son returns in glory, we pray to the Lord. 
4. For all people of every race and nation, that they may acknowledge the one God as Father, and seek his kingdom of joy and peace.  We pray to end of war, terrorism, and violence in our world, we pray to the Lord.   
5. That we all may recognize and give thanks to the risen Lord in the breaking of the bread and in every circumstance where Christ reveals himself to us.  we pray to the Lord. 
6. For the sick and shut-ins of our community, for those in the hospital, hospice, and nursing homes, for healing and wholeness, we pray to the Lord. 
7. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially for John Servati for whom this mass is offered.  
Bishop: God our Father, you sent your Holy Spirit to the apostles, and through them and their successors you give the Holy Spirit to your people. May the gift of the Holy Spirit continue to grow in the hearts of our confirmation candidates and in the hearts of all who believe. We ask this through Christ, our risen Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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