Monday, June 29, 2015

Let us truly be brothers and sisters

It saddens me how our society has become so intolerant.  It has become one side against the other, with anger and frustration, with disrespect and impatience.  We must remember that all disciples of Christ are called to practice God's mercy and love here on earth, even when it is difficult and challenging, even when we have to humble our pride and our egos.  We must go beyond selfishness and self-centeredness.  I adapted the following quote and prayer from Sojourners Magazine - I get a daily email from them.  Jean Vanier - a French Canadian Catholic who founded the L'Arch movement - always brings such a challenging, but healing message to our times.  

I am struck by how sharing our weakness and difficulties is more nourishing to others than sharing our qualities and successes. -Jean Vanier

Let us pray:

O Holy Lord, free us from our self-deception and attune our hearts to your Holy Spirit. Grant that we might remember how you humbled yourself when you took on human flesh.  May we, in our daily lives, learn to serve one another, whatever our disagreements and differences. Amen.

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