Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Prayers of the faithful - 7 November 2023 - Tuesday of the 32nd week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus - you bring us new life. 

Chest Jesus - you are a sign of hope for those who seek you. 

Lord Jesus - your is the way that lead us to salvation. 

Priest: As we present our prayers to our heavenly Father, we call to mind our needs, the needs of the Church, and the needs of the world:

1. That our faith in the resurrection may console those facing death, give hope to the baptized, and provide a powerful witness to the world, we pray to the Lord. 

2. The God will grant strength, wisdom, and compassion to our elected officials as they serve in their positions of governance. 

3. For an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, and lay leadership in the Church, that more men and women will realize their call from God to dedicate their lives in service to God and his people, we pray to the Lord. 

4. That our community of faith may provide consolation and support for those who mourn the loss of a loved one, giving witness to Jesus’ promise of everlasting life, we pray to the Lord. 

5. For the unemployed. For those looking for new work. For those searching for their vocation in life. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  We pray to the Lord. 

6. For the sick and the shut-in.  For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.  We remember our dearly departed loved ones in a special way during this month of remembrance. We pray to the Lord. 

7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts, for all of our intentions spoken and unspoken.  We pray to the Lord. 

Priest: God of life, we ask you that your hear our prayers. Give us the courage to witness to your Gospel.  We present our prayers through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN. 

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