Sunday, February 19, 2023

Prayers of the faithful - Thursday of the first week of Lent - 2 March 2023

Lord Jesus - you call us to give thanks. 

Christ Jesus - you call us to grateful. 

Lord Jesus - you journeyed through the desert for 40 days. 

Priest: During these beginning days of our Lenten journey, let us bring our prayers to God, the source of mercy and love.

1. For all Christians, that God may help us observe the disciplines of prayer, fasting, and charity during Lent, we pray to the Lord.  

2. For obedience to the will of God: even when God’s will challenges us and is difficult to follow, we discern and follow God’s will for us in our lives. 

3. For unity amongst all Christians, may we be united in proclaiming the Gospel message. 

4. For those who hunger and thirst for food and shelter and for those who hunger and thirst for justice and righteousness in their lives. 

5. For the people in need in the Diocese of Jackson, particularly the sick, those looking for work, those feeling lost in life, and those battling addictions. 

6. For all who have gone before us in faith, for their entry into eternal life.  And for the souls in the process of purification in purgatory.   

7. For the prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts, for all our intentions spoken and unspoken, we pray to the Lord.

Priest: God of mercy, you give new hearts to your people: Hear the prayers we make in faith, through Jesus Christ our Lord forever and ever. Amen.

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