Sunday, February 19, 2023

5 March 2023 - Second Sunday of Lent - prayers of the faithful

Introduction:  As we continue our journey during Lent, we look to the future, knowing that Jesus will suffer greatly and will be put to death on a cross.  However, we know that he will be raised from the dead and ascend to the Father in glory, opening the way to eternal life for us.  We mark these days of Lent with prayers, fasting, almsgiving, and repentance, knowing that our destiny lies in our eternal life with the Lord. 

Penitential rite: 

Lord Jesus, you are the light that dispels the darkness of sin and death. 

Christ Jesus, you are the Savior of the world.  

Lord Jesus, you are the way that leads to everlasting life.  

PRIEST: As we continue our journey through the holy season of Lent, we present our prayers to God, asking that God’s mercy be upon us as we place our trust in the Lord: 

1. For the Church, that we may be transfigured in the glory of the Lord by carrying out his mission and working to bring the kingdom to fulfillment through works of mercy and love, we pray to the Lord. 

2. That the hearts of all Christians be transfigured, over-flowing with peace, justice, hope, and love, driving out all conflict, despair, and hate, we pray to the Lord.  

3. For our candidates and catechumens in the RCIA process, for our children and youth preparing for first holy communion and confirmation, that they may increase in their faith and trust in God, we pray to the Lord. 

4. For our parish community, that we may find blessings in all who come to us with a sincere desire to realize God’s presence, we pray to the Lord. 

5. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life, and for the souls in purgatory, we pray to the Lord.  

6. For the prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts, for all our intentions spoken and unspoken, we pray to the Lord.

PRIEST: God of glory and wonder, bless us as we work to transfigure the world around us.  May your kindness be upon us as we place our trust in you.  We make our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.  

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