Monday, July 4, 2022

4 July 2022 - Fourth of July - Monday of 14th week in ordinary Time - HOSEA 2:16 & 17C-18 & 21-22

Last week we heard readings from the prophet Amos. He was a prophet who preached social justice in Ancient Israel at a time when that nation was experiencing prosperity, right before it fell into a period of darkness and despair.  Today, we start hearing readings at daily Mass from the prophet Hosea; he lived in the same general time period as Amos, around 8 centuries before the birth of Christ.  We don’t know many details about Hosea other than what appears in Scripture.  The book of Hosea is interesting in that the prophet compares his relationship to his unfaithful wife Gomer to the relationship God has with the unfaithful nation of Israel.  Just as Hosea will not leave his unfaithful wife, God will not leave his covenant with Israel even though she is unfaithful. 

As we celebrate our nations independence day today, we celebrate the values on which our nation was founded, the values of democracy, freedom, and liberty, perhaps in the spirit of the prophet Hosea, we need to look at the ways we have strayed from the values of our faith and the values for which this nations stands. 

Sometimes it is indeed difficult to keep the commitments we have in our faith, the commitments, duties, and obligations we have as citizens of our country, but a commitment is what God asks of us, and it is all about making priorities in our lives. 

I would like to close my homily with a prayer for Independence Day.  Let us pray: 

On this Independence Day, let us call to mind all those who have sacrificed for freedom that we have in our country, following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let us not take our freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted. May we always remember that our freedom was purchased with a very high price. Our freedom cost others their very lives.

Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for our freedom. With favor and bounty, meet their needs and watch over their families.

Help us to live our lives in a way that glorifies you, Lord. Give us the strength to be a blessing in someone else's life today, and grant us the opportunity to lead others into the freedom that can be found in knowing Christ. Amen. 

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