Friday, December 29, 2017

Mass introductions and prayers of the faithful - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - January 1 - 2018

We wish all of you a happy New Year! On this first day of the year of 2018, we acclaim Mary as Mother of God and ask her to watch over us and our loved ones during this new year. Today is also World Peace Day, a day during which we pray for peace.

Penitential Rite
As we prepare to celebrate this new start, let us acknowledge our sinfulness — and praise God’s unending mercy: (pause)
Lord Jesus, you are mighty God and Prince of Peace: Lord, have mercy
Lord Jesus, you are Son of God and Son of Mary: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are Word made flesh and splendor of the Father: Lord, have mercy

Alternative Opening Prayer (1998 ICEL Missal)
Most high God,
you come near to us this Christmas season
in the child born of the Virgin Mary.
In the depths of darkness, Mary gave birth to light;
in the depths of silence, Mary brought forth the Word.
Grant that we who ponder these things in our hearts
may recognize in her child
our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
in the splendor of eternal light, God for ever and ever.

Prayers of the faithful
Priest: God graciously blesses all of humanity, so let us now bring our needs forward to him with confidence:
1. That those who follow Christ may remain faithful throughout this New Year, finding new ways to grow in our faith. 
2. That all who worship God may grow in respect and tolerance for each other.  We pray for more collaboration and cooperation amongst the different religions of the world. 
3. That peace may come in all the warn-torn corners of our world. For the healing of hearts torn by bitterness, violence, and anger.  
4. That we may continue to work for peace with justice. 
5. That all of us may learn from Mary the Mother of God to treasure the lives of our children and youth. 
6. That this New Year may bring fresh enthusiasm in our community of faith.  
7. For the Sick and Shut-ins.  For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.  

Priest: Gracious God, you bless your people with peace and justice. Under the love and guidance of our Mother, Mary, we graciously ask you to accept our prayers and give us your help, through Christ our Lord for ever and ever. 

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