Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 25, 2017 - Friday of the 20th week in Ordinary time – Ruth 1: 1, 3-6, 14B-16, 22

      This week, our first readings during daily mass have been coming from the Book of Judges, telling the story of the different prophets and judges who were called by God to try to bring his people back to the faith after they had strayed and had worshipped other foreign gods.  Today’s reading comes from the book that comes directly after the Book of Judges in the Old Testament – the book of Ruth.  What a different tone we find in this book compared to Judges and the Pentateuch.  Ruth was not an Israelite herself – she was a Gentile, a Moabite, but she married an Israelite man.  Rather than go back to her people after her husband dies, she stays with her mother-in-law Naomi.  The book of Ruth tells the story of this selfless, courageous woman of faith, a woman devoted to her family.  I was just remarking to someone the other day how we live in a throw-away society.  How we get rid of a cell phone that is only a year or two old because we think it is ancient and of no use anymore.  We sometimes don’t have the loyalty and commitment we should have for our family, community and parish.  In a world where we see things as ephemeral and impermanent, what commitment are we willing to make to God?  We commitment are we willing to make for our faith.  Are we willing to be as tenacious and forthright as Ruth?  Or are we willing to just walk away?

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