Sunday, August 11, 2013

8/13/2013 – Tuesday of 19th week in ordinary time – Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

       Who is the greatest in God’s kingdom?  Jesus’s disciples ask him that question in today’s Gospel.  And it seems like a lot of people in our society are wanting to know who the greatest is in terms of our earthly kingdom as well.  And so many people go to great lengths to be the greatest as well.  We just heard about a lot of baseball players who cheated using different kinds of injections in order to amp up their game.  So many in our modern world want to be the fastest, the richest, the smartest, the most accomplished.  We want fame and fortune, but how are we doing in terms of receiving the kingdom of God in our hearts?
         We are called to have a heart of a child in receiving the Kingdom of God.  We are called to have the joy, the enthusiasm, the wonder, and the curiosity of a child.  And we are called to value the children and the humble in our society as well, not to judge people based on their greatness or their accomplishments. 

         We see reality stars on TV who are famous for being famous.  They want the limelight, they want attention, they glorify themselves and their fame.  And then we see the mother who is trying to have patience in raising her children.  We see the school teacher trying to be a model of faith for her students, the nurse and the doctor who reach out to their patients with love and compassion.  We know how Jesus would reach out to each of them in the midst of their reality.  He would challenge them to follow the values of God’s kingdom.

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