Tuesday, March 4, 2025

5 March 2025 - Ash Wednesday - prayers of the faithful - prison ministry

Introduction: We welcome you to Mass as we commemorate Ash Wednesday today. The smudge of ash we receive on our foreheads today is impermanent, as it can get brushed off or can be washed away. Our ashes today remind us that our lives here on earth in our physical bodies are impermanent as well. We are dust and unto dust we return. Our sins are also impermanent, as God can forgive us and we can forgive each other. Let the sign of the cross in which our ashes are applied today remind us that the cross is the reason our sins are impermanent, that our redemption through Christ Jesus is greater than our sins. 

Priest: As we commemorate the beginning of the holy season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, we present our needs to God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. 

1. For our Holy Father Pope Francis, Bishop Joseph Kopacz, and all our Church leaders, that they may receive the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit as they lead the people of God during this holy season of repentance and renewal, we pray to the Lord. 

2. For the Church, that she may be an ambassador for Christ by announcing the good news of reconciliation and healing to the world, we pray to the Lord.

3. For all gathered here today for Mass, that we may have the will to change our lives and the lives of others by our charity, our good example, and our prayers, we pray to the Lord.

4. For all who are sick or suffering in any way, that they may know the presence and comfort of God. For those who are struggling with addictions and mental health issues. We pray to the Lord.

5. For Christians everywhere, that the season of Lent will prepare us for our eternal life with God. We pray to the Lord.

6. For our family members and loved ones who have died, for their entry into eternal life. For the souls in purgatory. We pray to the Lord.

7. For the prayers that we hold in the silence of our hearts, for all our intentions spoken and unspoken, we pray to the Lord 

Priest: Heavenly Father, have mercy on your Church in all its need. As we turn away from sin, may we turn to you in repentance and embrace your holiness with all our heart. We ask this through Christ our Lord forever and ever. AMEN. 

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