Monday, April 15, 2024

30 April 2024 - Pope Pius V - homily for Tuesday of the fifth week of Easter - Acts 14:19-28

Today, we hear of Paul and Barnabas’ missionary journey.  It is interesting how many of the crowds are so impressed with the miracles and healings that Paul and Barnabas are able to perform in Jesus’ name, that they see them almost as gods themselves. But then those who oppose Paul and Barnabas arrive in town, turning the townspeople against them in acts of violence. One take away I have in hearing about Paul and Barnabas’ missionary work is that they are very diligent in their perseverance and courage in their faith. 

Today, we celebrate the feast day of Pope Pius V who served as pope in the era right after the Protestant Reformation. He was tasked with implementing the teachings of the Council of Trent. In this era, there were a lot of wars and conflicts amongst the various nations, there was the threat of invasion from the Muslims, and there was a lot of corruption that hampered the advancement of the faith. The Council of Trent closed in 1563 after meeting off and on for 18 years.  Pope Pius V assumed his papacy in 1566.  A member of the Dominicans, Pope Pius V founded new seminaries for the proper training of priests. He published a new Roman missal, a new breviary, and a new catechism. He also implemented legislation against abuses in the Church. Beyond that, he stressed service to the sick and the poor and provided food to the hungry. He received opposition to many of these reforms from the governments in places like France, England, and the Roman Empire. 

In hearing these stories about the Early Church and about Pope Pius V, may we take courage on our journey in the obstacles and challenges that we meet. 

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