Friday, November 27, 2015

11/29/2015 – 1st Sunday of Advent – Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36, Jeremiah 33:13-16

Today, we start our journey during the holy season of Advent at the beginning of our new liturgical year.  In the upcoming Sundays of Advent, we will hear from some great Advent messengers about how we can prepare a way for the Lord in our lives:  from John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus' ministry and from the Virgin Mary, who prepared herself for Jesus' birth.  On this 1st Sunday of Advent, we hear Jesus' prophecy about the end of the world and his second coming. We might wonder how this message about the end times to come ties into our celebration of Advent and our preparations for the birth of Christ.  I had not been a priest very long when a rather new Catholic came to me, telling me that this was the first Advent and Christmas he was observing as a Catholic. He was a anxious, wanting advice as to what he needed to do.   He put it this way: What are the rules of Advent?   What kind of fasting, praying, and other preparation do I need to do?  

Although we journey through Advent and Christmas each year, perhaps we're also not quite sure how we should approach Advent this year in preparing for Christ's birth.  If we have challenges or struggles in our family life or at work or in school, perhaps it's tempting to think that these challenges and struggles prevent us from entering into Advent properly.  Perhaps we believe that in order to observe Advent, we need a big change in our mood and need to separate ourselves from our tough real life experiences.  In fact, the opposite is true.   Advent is about letting God come to us, about letting God enter our world in a special way in this time of waiting and expectation.  Many of us might think that we need to clean up our lives before we start Advent.  But, by opening ourselves to Advent in the messiness of our lives, we'll open ourselves to God's message of salvation and his saving love, a message that we so desperately need to hear even if we’ve heard it before.

Today's Gospel might be a wake-up call for us in the midst of our daily reality. The signs to come in the end times will be so profound and so frightening that the sun, the moon, and the stars will be changed, the nations of the earth will be perplexed and dismayed.  This vision isn't meant to frighten us, but to encourage us and to give us hope in the midst of our reality.   Jesus predicts that chaos will occur in the end times, that the world's natural order will be shaken up.  But we are to stand firm against these upcoming disorders and temptations.  We are to raise our heads up high because redemption is at hand. Jeremiah predicted that calamity and exile would befall Israel and Judah, but he gives a promise of new hope as well, of a shoot that will bud on the old stalk of David.  Jeremiah gives the people a promise of recovery and of God's eternal fidelity. F. The Jews who suffered in exile and who looked back at bountiful days of the past can now look forward with longing and hope.  During Advent, we are called to long for the Lord of justice that was foretold by Jeremiah, we are called to long for the birth of our Lord. 

“Be vigilant at all times and pray”: this is Jesus’ command in today's Gospel. This is a good theme for us to keep in mind this Advent season: Be vigilant and pray.  As a time of waiting and anticipation, Advent gets its title from the Latin word “adveniat,” which means to come or to arrive.  But Advent is not a passive season where we sit around doing nothing while we wait.  We have work to do during Advent, but this work is a process, an act of becoming.  Before we can be vigilant, perhaps we need to become more transparent, to remove the masks we put up to ourselves and to the world.  As part of our Advent preparations, the Church calls us to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to do penance for our sins and to make the changes we need to make in our lives.  We will have Advent reconciliation services these next two Mondays at 6:00 pm.  This upcoming Monday, November 30, it will be in Spanish, and the next Monday, December 7, it will be in English.  However, on both evenings, priests will be there to hear your confessions in either language, so you may come to either service, since I know we have very busy schedules this time of year.  I really want to encourage to participate in this sacrament and to make a part of your Advent time of preparation.  This Advent season, may all of us be open to the many ways God is present to us as we prepare for the birth of our Lord.

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