Monday, September 2, 2013

9/5/2013 – Thursday of 22nd week in Ordinary Time – Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta – Luke 5:1-11

      The fishermen were washing their nets.  They were good fishermen.  They knew their trade very well.  But sometimes, you work hard and there are no fish to be caught.  They would try another day.  And then Jesus comes along.  He is earning a reputation for being a great teacher, but he is no fisherman.  Yet, he tells the fishermen to go back out, to cast their nets in the deep.  Sometimes our work does not achieve the results we want. Sometimes we come up empty-handed.  Their abundant catch that day was a sign to those men that their labors as Christ’s disciples would reap a bountiful harvest.
     Blessed Mother Teresa is the saint of the day.  She has been beatified and in the process of being canonized by the Church, but to millions of the faithful, and to millions of unbelievers as well, Mother Teresa is the symbol of Christian charity and love of God throughout the world through the continued good works of the order she founded in India, the Missionaries of Charity.  She was a teacher in another religious order of sisters, but she left that, hearing the call to serve the poorest of the poor.  She indeed cast her net into the deep.  We have that same mission as well.  God is calling us to cast our own nets in different ways.  Sometimes, this will be risky.  Sometimes, this will involve sacrifices.  But those nets are still being cast out.  And Christ is there to oversee the catch. 

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