Penitential Rite - Priest:
Lord Jesus - you protected Mary from sin - Lord have mercy.
Christ Jesus - you sanctified Mary in your presence - Christ have mercy.
Lord Jesus - you presented Mary to your Church - Lord have mercy.
Prayers of the faithful Priest: As we celebrate Mary today in a special way, let us present our prayers to God, who has brought salvation to all the world:
1. For the Holy Church, that Christians may do God’s will with joy in their hearts, as Mary did in her life. We pray to the Lord.
2. For the nations of the world, that their leaders may reach out to the needy and forgotten with compassion and mercy. We pray to the Lord.
3. For believers everywhere, that experiencing God’s mercy, they may be merciful to others and work toward healing. We pray to the Lord.
4. For all children, born and unborn, that they may be loved as warmly as Mary’s own child Jesus. We pray to the Lord.
5. For the sick of our community, for all who need healing in body, mind and spirit. We want to pray especially for the men in the infirmary and on hospice. We pray to the Lord.
6. For God’s chosen ones who have died, that they may find a home in heaven with Mary and all the saints. We pray to the Lord.
7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. We pray to the Lord.
Priest: O God, your power is seen in the lives of your people. Continue to support us with your grace, we pray, through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. Amen.
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