The season of Advent is from Sunday, December 1 until Tuesday, December 24, the evening of which we celebrate Christmas Eve and the birth of our Lord. Each season in the Catholic Church has a seasonal color. The colors for Advent and Lent are purple, signifying a time of repentance, conversion, and preparation. In Advent, the goal is to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. An Advent wreath that has four candles. A candle is lit each week during Advent to mark the days of this season. You may also have had an Advent Calendar when you were a child. We are going to have an Advent wreath for our Catholic community at CMCF. Every Catholic Church has an Advent wreath as well.
There are two celebrations dedicated to Mary the first two weeks of December. The Celebration of the Immaculate Conception, which commemorates the conception of Mary in the womb of her mother without sin, is celebrated normally on December 8. Because December 8 falls on a Sunday this year, this celebration is transferred to Monday, December 9. The Immaculate Conception of Mary is the patronal saint of our country, the United States. On December 12 each year, we celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe, an apparition of Mary who appeared to a man named Juan Diego in Mexico City in the year 1531. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patronal saint of all the Americas.
We hope that you will join us for our celebrations of Advent this year at our Catholic community here at CMCF. All are welcome, as we are all brothers in Christ. Father Lincoln.
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