Introduction: Merry Christmas everyone! This glorious morning, we celebrate God’s greatest gift: his son Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come into the world in a spectacular way, but instead in a humble stable in an unfamiliar town after a long difficult journey. Soon, the skies were filled with angels from heaven to announce the glad tidings to the shepherds in the fields. We come in joy today to worship our newborn king.
Priest: Penitential rite
Lord Jesus - you were born in the humble stable in Bethlehem.
Christ Jesus - you are the son of Mary.
Lord Jesus - you bring us Christmas joy as we celebrate your birth.
Priest: On this joyful day, we celebrate God’s greatest gift to us in the birth of our Savior. Now, let us call to mind our needs and the needs of our brothers and sisters, as we place our confidence in God’s love for us:
1. That Jesus may ever be born in the hearts of all Christians, prompting us to recognize him in our neighbor, leading us to works of mercy and generosity. We pray to the Lord.
2. That the angels’ glad tidings of peace may come to fruition, from the war-torn nations of the world to our communities that are plagued by crime and violence. We pray to the Lord.
3. That those who do not have a home may find a place that is warm, safe, and welcoming. We pray to the Lord.
4. For that who are grieving the loss of a loved one or a family member, that they may find hope and consolation in God’s loving care. We pray to the Lord.
5. For Christians everywhere, that we may celebrate the Eucharist with joy and be reminded of God’s magnificent gift of our Savior each time we gather together for Mass. We pray to the Lord.
6. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. For all our intentions spoken and unspoken. We pray to the Lord.
Priest: Generous God, we rejoice today in the gift of your only begotten son. As he leads us from darkness to light and from sin to redemption, we ask that you listen to our prayers as we celebrate his birth, for he is our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.
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