Tuesday, March 2, 2021

2 March 2021 - Prayers of the faithful - weekday during LENT


Lord Jesus - you call us to trust and have faith - Lord have mercy. 
Christ Jesus - you perform miracles and signs of awe and wonder - Christ have mercy
Lord Jesus - you give us hope and inspiration - Lord have mercy. 

Priest: With hope and trust, we present our prayers to God:

1. For our church leaders, may they lead us and guide us in putting our trust and hope in the Lord.  

2. May our world leaders put aside conflict and difference to work toward the common good.  

3. For all of us who have had our daily lives disrupted.  May we follow the health directives of our medical professionals.   May we respect the well-being of others.  May we reach out to those in need.  

4. For our children and youth during this difficult time.  May they use this time to learn creatively and to grow closer to God in their faith.  

5. For the sick and shut-ins.  For all who are affected in different ways by the pandemic.   For healing for those who need it: mind, body, and spirit.  

6. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.  For those prayers we hold in our hearts today.  

Priest: Heavenly Father, we place our trust in you.  We present these prayers to you through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever and ever.  AMEN. 

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