Friday, August 21, 2020

21 August 2020 - prayers of the faithful - Friday of the 20th week in ordinary time

Lord Jesus -  you bring us new life - 

Christ Jesus - you call us to discipleship

Lord Jesus - you reach out to the poor in spirit and the lonely 

We present our prayer to God, confident in his love and mercy

1. For the Church: that we may keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and be encouraged by the faithfulness of our fellow Christians

2. For the grace of perseverance: that God will strengthen us in times of conflict and division so that we may remain faithful disciples

3. For teachers, staff and administrators as they start the school year: that God will give them wisdom, patience, and understanding for each student with whom they will work this year

4. For peace in our towns and cities and throughout our land: that the Holy Spirit will guide every heart to work untiringly to end violence and promote the safety and dignity of each person

5. For all who are in need, the homeless, the sick, those with addictions or mental illness. 

6. For all parishioners and loved ones who have died: that God will embrace them on their journey to eternal life.

7. For the prayers we hold in our hearts today. 

God of mercy, as you inspired Pope Pius X to renew your Church, we ask you to renew all of us in spirit as we make these prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever and ever.  AMEN.  

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