Friday, February 26, 2016

How do we view going to mass - as an obligation or as an opportunity?

Great quote I read in an article from the Catholic Exchange by Father William Saunders about how we should view our mass “obligation” and our opportunity to go to mass each week:  “With this in mind, no one should simply think of attending Mass as fulfilling an obligation. To attend Mass is a privilege, and any faithful Catholic should want to attend Mass. Our perspective should not be, “I have got to do this”; rather, we should think, ‘I get to do this.’”  Having lived on an isolate island in Africa where there was not a Catholic church, having lived in a rain forest jungle where our mission site served over 100 villages in a vast, isolated region, having ministered to prisoners in the Mississippi state correctional system where there are few opportunities to receive the Eucharist or attend mass, mass is indeed a privilege and a gift from God that we too often ignore or take for granted. 

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