Monday, September 2, 2024

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - prayers of the faithful - 8 September 2024

Introduction:  In our second reading from St James today, the Christian community receives instruction to show no partiality in their assembly. God welcomes all of us to gather around his table in worship. We are not to ignore or judge those whom God welcomes into his kingdom. In that spirit, let us always welcome all who join us for Mass.

Priest: Penitential rite:

Lord Jesus - you are the holy one of God - Lord have mercy. 

Christ Jesus - you make the deaf hear and the mute speak - Christ have mercy. 

Lord Jesus - you bring us the love of your Father - Lord have mercy. 

Prayers of the faithful: 

Priest: Generation after generation, we have received the Lord’s promises. Confident in our Lord’s promises to us, we boldly express our needs and the needs of the world to the one who will save us: 

1. That we in the Church may have our ears opened to the cries of the poor. May we reach out to them in love and mercy. We pray to the Lord. 

2. For our first responders, for the men and women in the military, and for our veterans. For all missionaries who spread Christ’s good news throughout the world. We pray to the Lord. 

3. That those is positions of authority may reach out to those in need through restorative justice and practical assistance. We pray to the Lord. 

4. For grandparents: May they be treasured by their children and grandchildren. May they be a source of wisdom for our younger generations. May they be cared for in their time of need. We pray to the Lord. 

5. That with warm hearts, our parish community may welcome those who join us in Mass in our worship of God. We pray to the Lord. 

6. For healing for the sick and the shut-in. For the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life. We pray to the Lord. 

7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts.  For all our prayer intentions spoken and unspoken.  We pray to the Lord.

Priest: Gracious God, open our minds to appreciate your ways. Open our hearts to love you and to love our neighbor.  We present our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN. 

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