Friday, February 20, 2015

2/22/2015 – First Sunday in Lent – Mark 1:12-15

      The first Sunday of Lent always starts with the story of Jesus being thrown into the desert, of Jesus being tempted and tested.  Temptation.  That is something all of us have to deal with in our lives of faith, isn’t it?  In fact, doesn’t it seem like we are tempted in a special way during Lent?  We can give up something like chocolate during Lent, and during other times of the year, we can go for weeks without eating chocolate or thinking about it, but then Lent comes around, and it seems like what we give up is everywhere we turn, calling our name. 
      What I find interesting, is that it is God’s Holy Spirit that drives Jesus into the desert as recounted in Mark’s Gospel.   It is the Spirit that puts Jesus into the place where he is tempted by Satan.   Yet, we know that Jesus is not alone in the desert wilderness.  Unfortunately, he is there with the wild beasts who threaten to destroy him. But fortunately, he is also surrounded by angels who minister to him.  We all have wild beasts or demons in our lives that threaten to destroy us, don’t they? And we all have angels who appear to us and help us and minister to us as well.
       From today’s Gospel of Jesus being tempted in the desert, we learn this: Lent is to be a time of transformation and renewal.  In Mark’s Gospel, it says that Jesus is driven into the desert right after his baptism in the Jordan River.  It sounds like that Jesus needed this time of trial and testing and transformation before he started his earthly ministry.  And we need to be driven into a time of conversion and transformation and renewal as well.  All human institutions are in need of transformation and change and renewal, because by its very definition, anything human is flawed and not perfect.  Out church, our society, our lives – they are all in need of change and renewal.  We gave you these Lenten promise cards to fill out. And we asked you to turn them in not because anyone is going to read them or going to call you to task about them – in fact they are being place in this sealed box here and we are going to burn them when Easter comes around and we will lift our Lenten promises up to the Lord in our prayers and in our celebration of Easter.  We asked you to turn them in because we wanted you to make a commitment to God and to our faith community that you are using this time of Lent for conversion and renewal, that you are serious about you commitment to God.  And many people told me that they thought it would take a few minutes to fill those cards out. But it took a lot of time and thought, didn’t it?   Anything we take seriously in life takes a lot of time and thought and commitment, doesn’t it?
      When I was walking the Camino in Spain those three weeks, I heard someone say this: If you do not carry St James in your heart as you walking the Camino each day, if you do not bring him into your heart and in your mind, then you will not find him when you arrive in his Cathedral in Santiago.   I found that to be so true.  The minute I landed in Spain, I really felt that I had entered the land of St James. I prayed with him each day on the Camino.  I lifted up all of you and all my prayer intentions through the intercessions of St James.  And when I entered his Cathedral at the conclusion of my pilgrimage, when I went up to hug his statue and thank him for helping me arrival safely, I felt so much emotion and joy.  I really felt his presence and his welcome.  And that is how we are to approach Lent.  In our prayers and our fasting and our works of charity, in our time during Lent at mass and in the sacrament of reconciliation and in praying the stations of the cross, we are to feel God’s presence and are to walk with Jesus in our Lenten journey, to accompany him on his way to the cross.  And if we do that, if we take Lent seriously and really try to honor our Lent promises, then we will truly feel the joy of the resurrection at Easter time.
       Mary Oliver is one of my favorite American poets.  Her poems are filled with love and honesty and a sense of a spiritual journey.  Recently, I heard Mary Oliver say this in an interview with Krista Tippett on the radio program ON BEING on National Public Radio:  “Things take the time they take. Don’t worry. How many roads did St. Augustine follow before he became St. Augustine?"  What a wonderful quote!  We all need patience on our Lenten journey.  We need commitment and steadfastness and courage as we travel these forty days.  Like St Augustine, we may need to purge and change and transform a lot in our lives in order to become the person God calls us to become.  We may need to take a lot of radical steps.  Being in the desert with Jesus in not easy.  Being tempted and attacked by those demons and wild animals will not be easy.  But let us take courage.  Let us have faith.  God is with us during these 40 days. 

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