Saturday, January 16, 2021

quote - hope in the light of Christ

I would like to share with you two quotes today.  The first one is on the photo about, from Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, who is well-known in the United States for his human rights work.  As Bishop Tutu states, God calls us to see the light in the world and to be a light in the world despite all the darkness that is present.  Sometimes this is difficult, isn't it?  But the more of us who try to be this light, we will feel encouraged and feel in solidarity in this work of God with our brothers and sisters, for truly this is the work of God.  

The next quote is from Jesus priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955): “If we fully understand the meaning of the Cross, we will no longer run the risk of finding life sad and ugly. We will only become more attentive to its incomprehensible seriousness.”  Besides being a priest, Teilhard de Chardin was also a very accomplished scientist and paleontologist.  To me, the message of his quote goes hand-in-hand with the quote from Bishop Tutu, for we can only have hope and have the ability to see the light of Christ if we are able to be open to the meaning of the cross, to unite our crosses with the cross of Christ, and in our faith, find encouragement and meaning in the sufferings and difficulties that we bear in life.  We are called to see the light of Christ in the reality of our lives, no matter what that reality may be.  We are called to find hope in the light of Christ.  Likewise, the salvation we receive through Christ's Good News, through his passion, cross, death, and resurrection are to bring us hope as well.  No matter how bleak things may get for us, let us feel hope and let us see the light.  

Blessings to all of you.  Father Lincoln 

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