Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Prayers of the faithful - Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - 17 June 2023

Lord Jesus - you are the Son of Mary. 

Christ Jesus - you bring us the Father’s love. 

Lord Jesus - you proclaim the kingdom of God. 

Priest: As we celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary today in a special way, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father with faith and hope: 

1. We pray for the Church: that we may work to form our hearts according to the sacred heart of Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

2. We pray for Francis our Pope, Joseph our Bishop, and all our clergy and lay leaders. That they may serve God's people with joy and that they may receive care and support from the people. 

3. We pray for our Diocese and our parishes. That we may look to the past with gratitude and discern God's will in our present and future. 

4. We pray for those who have been abandoned and rejected. For those battling mental illness, depression, our addiction.  That they may experience their dignity in the love of Christ.

5. We pray for our country. That we may consecrate our lives to the example of Mary and her immaculate heart.  

6. We pray for the sick, the suffering, and the dying. That they may find healing and strength in Jesus. 

7.  We pray for all those who have died, especially for our family members and loved ones and members of our Christian community. That they may rest secure in the Sacred Heart of Christ. 

8. For the prayers we offer in the silence of our hearts. 

Priest: We present these prayers through your Son Jesus Christ as we honor his mother Mary and her Immaculate Heart.  Jesus is our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN. 

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