Saturday, June 17, 2023

21 June 2023 - Wednesday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time - prayers of the faithful

Lord Jesus - you sow the seeds of faith in our lives - Lord have mercy. 

Christ Jesus - you bring us the love of the Father - Christ have mercy. 

Lord Jesus - you are our savior and our redeemer - Lord have mercy. 

The Lord is good and upright.  Let us bring our prayers to our heavenly Father:

That our Church leaders will lead us in faith in hope in living out the values of the Eucharist in the world as our country goes through a Eucharistic renewal. 

That our governental leader hear the cries of the people and respond to their needs.  We continue to pray for the city of Jackson, for all those who are responding to the water crisis.  

We pray for the farmers and laborers who supply us with food.  We pray that we all may be good stewards of the resources of the earth and of the many gifts God has bestowed upon us.  

For the unemployed and for those looking for work.  For all those who are struggling to provide for their families. 

For our families, our children, and our youth, that the Lord keep them safe in their summer activities.  For all families who are traveling this summer.  

For our deceased family members and loved ones, for their entry into eternal life.  

For healing for the sick and the afflicted.  We pray for those who are suffering from addictions, mental illness, depression, or abuse.  

For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. 

With faith and hope, we present our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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