Introduction: We celebrate the feast of the Holy Family today as a part of our celebration of the Christmas season. The holy family gives us a model to follow on our journey of faith. As we celebrate the final weekend of 2024, let us resolve to pray to the holy family for guidance, inspiration, and support.
Lord Jesus - You are the glory of Israel - Lord have mercy.
Christ Jesus - You are the long awaited Messiah - Christ have mercy.
Lord Jesus - You are the Son of Mary - Lord have mercy.
PRIEST: As we celebrate the Holy Family this weekend as a part of our celebration of the Christmas, let us bring our prayers to God, who showers blessings upon all his sons and daughters.
1. For all members of the Christian family, that they may have joy and peace throughout the Christmas season. We pray to the Lord.
2. That members of our families may treat each other with tolerance and respect, and work towards unity and reconciliation. We pray to the Lord.
3. For families where there is hurt, lack of forgiveness, and struggles, that those who have suffered may find healing. We pray to the Lord.
4. For families that live with illness and health issues. May our care givers be filled with gentleness and patience. We pray to the Lord.
5. For families who are homeless, that political leaders work toward providing affordable housing. We pray to the Lord.
6. For family members who have died. For all those who died during 2024. May the light of eternal life be theirs. We pray to the Lord.
7. During the Christmas season, may we reach out to the lonely and the forgotten in a special way. We pray to the Lord.
8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. We pray to the Lord.
PRIEST: O God, your care for your family is constant: hear the prayers we make in faith and trust through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever and ever. AMEN.
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