We are coming to the end of the Christmas season. Tomorrow we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, and then on Monday we return to Ordinary Time as we lead up to the holy season of Lent in early March. We have been hearing from the first letter of John this week during the Christmas season in our first readings. We hear a prayer today for sinners. It starts out by saying that we need to ask of God in our prayers according to his will. We may have our own will, what we want, but we need to be attuned to the will of God. This reading asks us to pray to God for those who have sinned. One of the things I face with the prison inmates is their struggle with addictions. So many of them cannot resist the temptation to return to drugs, which are unfortunately readily available in the prison. Many of these men also have terrible struggles with mental health issues, so all of this is very complicated. Regarding the addictions to drugs: many of them know they are doing wrong but the temptation is just too much. But prayer is powerful. And I will not give up in my prayers for them.
Today, we celebrate the anointing of the sick. All of you know the confidence I have in this sacrament and the healing that can come from it. In these days at the end of the week, I will offer this sacrament in my parish in Clinton, to all of you here at the Carmelite monastery, and to the prison inmates as well. I feel it is important to offer this sacrament to all of you on a regular basis. Just as there is power in our prayers, there is great power is the sacraments of the Church, especially when they are received in faith and when we try to attune them to God’s will for us.