Sunday, October 13, 2024

prayers of the faithful - 25 October 2024 - Friday of the 29th week in ordinary time

Lord Jesus - you called us to be your disciples. 

Christ Jesus - you are our source and our strength. 

Lord Jesus - you call us to be missionary in spirit.  

Priest: Let us unite our prayers with all believers today as we present our prayer petitions to God: 

1. For all Church leaders, especially Pope Francis and Bishop Joseph Kopacz, may they lead the Church in unity and courage. 

2. For all of our governmental leaders, may the Lord lead them and guide them in the difficult decisions they have to make. 

3. For all missionaries serving the Church throughout the world, for a missionary spirit in all of us, for greater understanding and dialogue amongst the religions of the world. 

4. For our children, our youth, and our families, for a strengthening of our faith and a greater effort in the way we reach out to families.  

5. For those who are struggling through life, for those who are recovering from natural disasters, for those facing addictions, depression, and mental health issues, for healing and help for those who need it. 

6. For our parish, for all who serve here in various ministries, for continued blessings for our parish.  

7. For the spirit of Respect life month to last throughout the year, that all of us may have a greater respect for life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.  

8. For the sick and shut-in. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. 

9. For the prayers we hold in our hearts today. 

Priest: Heavenly Father, with faith and hope, we present these prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever and ever.  AMEN.

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