Sunday, October 13, 2024

29 October 2024 - Tuesday of the 30th week in ordinary time - Luke 13:18-21

There is so much to learn about God's kingdom, so Jesus teaches us about the kingdom in parables.  The kingdom of God is like a small mustard seed that grows into a large bush that can provide shade and feed many birds. The kingdom of God is like this small seed in our lives, in that it starts out in its smallest beginnings in our human hearts. Our faith can grow in our lives if we open ourselves up to God’s will and God’s holy word. God can transform us from within, in ways we could never imagine. 

Yeast is another image that symbolically describes the kingdom of God. Yeast a powerful agent of change. Without yeast, dough cannot be transformed into a freshly baked loaf of bread when baked in the oven. Without yeast, there is no bread. It is the bread of life that provides us nourishment and stamina, the staple of life for us as human beings. 

Like the yeast that helps bread to rise or a small seed that grows into a large plant, the kingdom of God produces a transformation for those who are open to God’s grace, to those who are willing to receive the new life that Christ offers to us. 

Lord, may we be open to the ways the kingdom of God can transform us. May we increase our zeal and openness to your kingdom, O heavenly Father. May you, O Lord, instill in us a holy desire to live a life of faith that proclaims your kingdom and that announces your glory to all.

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