Friday, July 12, 2024

Prayers of the faithful - 17 July 2024 - Wednesday of the 15th week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus - You died and rose again to save us from sin 

Christ Jesus - you teach us how to pray

Lord Jesus - in you, we find the path to holiness

Prayers of the faithful - 

Priest: Jesus assures us that if we ask, we will receive. As children of God, we now bring our needs before our Father in heaven:

1. That we in the Church may imitate God’s generosity as we assist those in need, materially and spiritually, we pray to the Lord: 

2. For our governmental leaders, that they may work toward the day when no one will be without daily bread, we pray to the Lord. 

3. For those who have been affected by natural disaster, by drought, and through the heatwave in our country, that their suffering may be relieved, we pray to the Lord. 

4. That all who gather around the eucharistic table of the Lord may remember those not present, especially the sick and the homebound, we pray to the Lord.  

5. That our Church may deepen its persistence in prayer and its witness of the Gospel message, we pray to the Lord. 

6. That the nations of the world may seek peace, defend life, and practice mercy, we pray to the Lord.  

7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts, we pray to the Lord. 

Priest: Father of mercy, help us to desire the good and to guide us to seek the truth. We ask this through our Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  


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