Friday, May 3, 2024

Catholic Blessing for high school graduates

Today we celebrate this special moment of time in your lives – your high school graduation. Let us pray:

God of our beginnings, We thank you for the gifts of these graduates; for their enthusiasm, for their wonder and curiosity, for their dreams and their passions.

The presence and contributions of these graduates have blessed us in our parish community here in Immaculate Conception and Holy Savior.  We have become a richer and more diverse community because of them.

As they step forward into the world that awaits them at this moment of their high school graduation, we ask that you comfort their fears with the full knowledge of your divine presence.

Strengthen their resolve to walk in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ as they live as modern-day disciples in a world that needs their spirit.

Guide their feet as they move through life.  Bless our graduations in the future jobs, their future education, and their future endeavors. 

Protect them from any pitfalls and struggles as the walk as children of the light. 

We ask this blessing upon each of these young people as we celebrate their high school graduation with them and their families, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  AMEN.  

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