Sunday, May 5, 2024

31 May 2024 - homily for the feast of the visitation - Luke 1:39-56

Our redemption and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ is a freely given gift that God offers us.  We accept this invitation that God gives us and we participate and cooperate in his plan of salvation.  Today, as we celebrate the feast of the Visitation, of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth, we honor the unique role that these two women have in God’s plan of redemption for humanity.  

In the visitation scene each woman recognizes the importance of the other’s child in God’s saving plan. Elizabeth honors Mary for her willingness to participate in God’s saving work, as she states: “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” In response to Elizabeth’s gracious greeting, Mary responds with the Magnificat, a hymn of praise to the Lord for the justice of his kingdom and for his saving outreach to humanity.

For us as modern-day disciples of Christ, the encounter between Mary and Elizabeth reminds us that we, too, participate in God’s plan on our journey of faith here on earth. We have all been called to contribute to and participate in God’s kingdom. We have all been called to take joy in God’s interaction in our lives. Like Mary, may we also proclaim the greatness of the Lord in our words and our actions.  

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