Saturday, January 11, 2020

Prayers of the faithful - the Baptism of the Lord - 12 January 2020

Introduction: This feast of the Baptism of the Lord marks the last day of the Christmas season. At his baptism Jesus sees how much he is loved by God and he is given the power to go out and spread the Good News. We share that power through our baptism. Now let us call to mind our sins:

Lord Jesus - you raise us to new life in the Spirit - Lord have mercy. 
Christ Jesus - you bring pardon and peace to the sinner - Christ have mercy.  
Lord Jesus - you bring light to those in darkness - Lord have mercy. 

Prayers of the faithful: 
PRIEST: Let us bring our prayers to God, who is full of majesty, power and splendor: 

1. That all the baptized may take Christian living seriously and live out their call as disciples of Christ. 
2. That the babies and children baptized in our Church this year may grow strong and healthy Christians. 
3. That those who seek baptism and the other sacraments of the Church this year may take a full part in the life of faith. 
4. That our community may grow in grace in this New Year. 
5. That people who are lonely or depressed may have support in these winter days. We pray for those who need healing in body, mind, and spirit.  
6. For our friends and relatives who have died, that they may enter the presence of the Lord. 
7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts today. 

PRIEST:  O God, you rule the earth with justice. Help us all according to our needs.  We make these prayers through your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever and ever.  AMEN.   

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