Sunday, September 16, 2012

9/20/2012 – Thursday of 24th week in ordinary time – Luke 7:36-50

         Today's Gospel tells us a story about Jesus' interaction with two individuals in a narrative that really engages our imagination.  First we have Simon the Pharisee, who magnifies the faults of others. That is such an easy way to go through life: looking at our family, our friends, our co-workers, seeing their faults, pointing them out, feeling superior to them. Simon had an arrogance of heart, finding the faults in this woman who comes to Jesus, and minimizing his own. 
         Then we have the woman in the Gospel, who recognizes her own sinfulness. It is as if she is saying, as she bathes his feet with her tears, “Lord, I have these problems in my life, I have this sinfulness.  Would you find it in your heart to forgive me?  Would you help me to change?”  She has a worshipful appreciation of Jesus as he forgives her and heals her.  God wants all of us to have this same worshipful appreciation for Jesus as he reaches out to us in his teaching and in his proclamation of God's kingdom, as we receive forgiveness from Jesus, as we receive inner healing from our relationship with him.  Jesus responds to Simon’s retort against this woman as her sins have been forgiven her and she is showing great love.  God wants us to recognize that there is a connection to the forgiveness of our sins and to the compassion and love that we give in response – that is what God is calling us to do. 
         May God fill our hearts with compassion, with love for God and for our brothers and sisters.  May we reach out to others in proclamation of the peace, justice, and love of neighbor that is an integral part of the kingdom of God. 

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