Hello Everyone! Tuesday, I arrived in Madrid to hike the pilgrimage of St James. I had hoped to be able to walk the entire route over a 4 week period, but some priestly responsibilities came up, and I had to reschedules, and due to Ash Wednesday coming up on February 18, could only go for a 3 week pilgrimage. I will be flying back to the United States on February 14 and will report for duty for the Sunday February 15 masses, the last Sunday in Ordinary Time before Lent starts.
I made my way to Madrid by bus, and started walking this morning (Wednesday - January 28). I made it 14 miles today over fairly rugged and hilly terrain. For a priest that does not get much time to exercise, that was a pretty rough hike today. This whole pilgrimage, however, I am going to listen to my body and my spirit and will do what I can each day. Truth be told, this will be the first time since April/May 2012 - when I came to Spain the last time - that I have been able to take a weekend off to myself. I sometimes get to take weekdays off, but never an extended break and rarely a break over the weekend. So, this is a very needed retreat time for me.
I just have my ipad mini with my here in Spain, and have not been able to post photos to my blog yet, so they may not be coming until I get back to the US. Lifting everyone up in prayer on this journey. Blessings to all of you.
This is a blog of homilies, reflections, and photos from a Roman Catholic priest serving in the Diocese of Jackson in the state of Mississippi. Currently, I am the pastor of Holy Savior in Clinton and Immaculate Conception in Raymond. I have served as Vicar General of the Diocese since July 2019. I also serve as Catholic chaplain in the federal prison in Yazoo City and the state prison in Pearl.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
1/25/2015 – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Mark 1:14-20, Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Jesus goes out to the people of Galilee and
proclaims this message: “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Jonah also has a message from God to preach, this
time to the people of Nineveh who have turned their backs on the Lord. He tells them: Forty days more, and your city
will be destroyed. Two messages from God to his people. Two different callings to bring God’s message
to the world. What can we learn from today’s readings?
When I was a seminarian, I had to spend a summer
serving as a chaplain at a hospital in a program called clinical pastoral education. It
was known to be one of the toughest experiences we would go through in
seminary. Most seminarians dread it. As a part of our training, we would do
something called a verbatim: we would write down a dialogue we had with a
patient in a ministerial situation, and we would act out the dialogue with
another seminarian in the program. I
remember one verbatim I had, after I read out the dialogue with one of my classmates, our professor turned
to me and said: Lincoln, I am going to be honest with you, the discussion we
are about to have about your verbatim is going to be very painful for you. And he was right; it was a very painful. But at the end of the
summer, I could honestly say that although that summer of clinical pastoral
education in the hospital was not easy, and often it was a struggle, it was one
of the most important things that prepared me for the priesthood. Sometimes in the difficult situations God
puts us in, there is great growth and a lot of learning that takes place.
Contrast Jonah to the urgency in which Simon and Andrew
answer Jesus’ call to follow. The NRSV
translation of the Gospel says that in the middle of casting their nets into
the Sea of Galilee, Simon and Andrew “immediately left their nets and followed
him.” IMMEDIATELY!!! God can call us to serve him in our own backyard,
or he can ask us to go to a faraway place. I was at the leadership formation program for
priests in our diocese this past week at the Duncan Gray conference center near
Canton in a program called "Good Leaders, Good Shepherds". It struck me how our priests come
from different parts of the world – Africa, India, Vietnam, Latin America,
Ireland. From Andrew and Simon who left their old lives
behind, to the men and women today who make sacrifices to serve in ministry in
our Church, we have great examples of those who courageously follow God’s call
and eave so much behind.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
1/25/2015 – tercer domingo del tiempo ordinario – Marcos 1:14-20
Cada uno de nosotros
tenemos la llamada para ser discípulos de Jesucristo. Estamos peregrinos en
este mundo como sus discípulos. Hoy, en el Evangelio,
escuchamos la llamada de Jesús en la vida de cuatro pescadores. Estos cuatro jóvenes
dejaron su trabajo para seguir a Jesucristo.
Ellos cambiaron su camino totalmente.
Cuando Jesús empezó su
predicación del reino de Dios en Israel, el comenzó en una manera muy
particular. Jesús anunció al todos
los hombres: “Se ha cumplido el tiempo y el Reino de Dios ya está cerca.
Arrepiéntanse y crean en el Evangelio” No sabemos si Andrés y
su hermano Simón eran discípulos de Juan el Bautista antes de su entrada a la
cárcel. No sabemos si ellos
conocieron las enseñanzas de Jesús antes de este encuentro cerca de la orilla
del lago de Galilea. No importa si no
conocemos estos detalles. Podemos reconocer como
discípulos modernos de Cristo que estos dos hermanos tenían confianza en
Jesucristo, que ellos tenían confianza en Dios y en su palabra.
Ellos estaban
caminando a un camino muy particular en sus vidas. Ellos eran trabajando
y viviendo en una manera muy común en su cultura y en su sociedad. Pero, con esta
llamada, con la presencia de nuestro Señor en su vida, ellos podían reconocer el momento que ellos
necesitaban revisar su camino, que habían otros caminos y otros senderos allí
en su vida. En verdad, es un
desafío para cambiar nuestro camino, nuestra rutina, y nuestra dirección. La semana pasada, yo
estaba en un taller de liderazgo para los sacerdotes de nuestro diócesis. El perfil de mi
personalidad dice: Para ti, no te gustan las sorpresas, la ambigüedad, y los
cambios. Para ti, te gustan el ambiente
y las relaciones tranquilos y estables. Pero, muchas veces, la
llamada de Dios tiene muchos desafíos y muchos cambios y mucha ambigüedad en
nuestro camino de fe. No sabemos los
problemas y las dificultades que estos dos hermanos tenían en sus vidas antes
de la llamada de Jesús, ni los desafíos que ellos tenían como discípulos
tampoco. Pero, con esta
llamada, ellos recibieron la fuerza y la inspiración de cambiar sus vidas y de
aceptar a Dios. Faltamos algo en
nuestras vidas si no contestamos la llamada de Dios, si no recibimos la
invitación de Jesús con corazones abiertos.
La semana pasada,
tuvimos un encuentro con nuestros miembros en la formación de teología y
liderazgo. Hora, ellos tienen la llamada
de participar como líderes en
ministerios y evangelización en nuestra parroquia. Es un desafío, por supuesto. Es algo nuevo y diferente. Pero, ellos tienen esta llamada de Dios.
Tal vez, tenemos
muchas expectativas sobre la presencia de Dios en nuestra vida, sobre su
llamada. Tal vez, tenemos un punto de vista de nuestra
religión, de nuestro Dios, que es fijo. Según los judíos en
Israel, el Mesías debería venir con mucho poder y mucha fuerza, como un líder
de su nación. Podemos quedar sordos
y ciegos sobre la Palabra de Dios si no queremos dejar esta expectativas que
tenemos, si no tenemos una imaginación para aceptar esta llamada.
Hay el grito de Jesús
en nuestra vida, es seguro ¿Qué está dice?
Saturday, January 17, 2015
1/15/2012 – segundo domingo del tiempo ordinario – Juan 1:35-42
Juan el Bautista estaba
con nosotros en la temporada de preparación
de adviento antes de nuestra celebración de Navidad. Hoy, regresamos al
tiempo ordinario. Juan el Bautista está
con nosotros otra vez. En adviento, Juan
estaba con nosotros para preparar el camino para la llegada de Jesús y para su
predicación del reino de Dios. Ahora, Juan está aquí
en nuestro Evangelio para revelar la identidad de Jesús antes de llamar a sus
Para seguir a
Jesucristo no es algo muy fácil. Conocemos
esta realidad muy bien. Necesitamos tener
nuestros corazones abiertos para la verdad y los desafíos del reino de
Dios. Necesitamos dejar
nuestra propia voluntad y nuestro egoísmo para entrar este reino con todos
nuestras fuerzas. Juan proclamaba en el
Evangelio que Jesús era el verdadero Cordero de Dios. Esta proclamación picaba
el interés y la curiosidad de los dos discípulos de Juan. Al mirar estos dos
discípulos de Juan, Jesús daba esta invitación:
“Vengan a ver”.
Todos de nosotros
tenemos una llamada para seguir a Jesucristo como nuestro Señor, como el
Cordero de Dios. El Cordero en la
religión judía de Israel en los tiempos de Jesús era el signo más importante
para dar una ofrenda y un sacrificio a Dios. En nuestra vida de fe
en la Iglesia Católica, necesitamos proclamar Jesús como el Cordero de Dios,
como el sacrificio que nos ganó la salvación y la redención. En las aguas de nuestro
bautismo, entramos en la muerte de Cristo – morimos de nuestros pecados y de la
muerte - y entramos en una nueva vida en
El. Juan el Bautista
reconoció a Jesús como el Cordero de Dios, y nosotros debemos reconocer esta
identidad también en la manera que vivimos nuestra fe. Además, esta identidad
debe tener un impacto importante en nuestra vida. Juan el Bautista era un testigo para nosotros,
para guiarnos a la fe.
Vemos esto en las
lecturas de hoy: las historias de Andrew en el Evangelio y de Samuel en la
primera lectura nos muestran que en nuestra vida como cristianos necesitamos
tener una experiencia personal con Dios. Estamos llamados a
escuchar la forma en que Dios nos llaman hoy y estamos llamados a responder a
esa realidad. Pero no podemos ser
miope en la forma en que vemos nuestra realidad - miope en la forma en que nos
acercamos a nuestra fe. En Andrés y otro discípulo
de Juan el Bautista - si hubieran pensado en el presente y no miramos la
realidad entera, probablemente no hubieran tomado el riesgo de dejar a su
maestro a seguir a Jesús. Tenemos que recordar
nuestro foco: estamos en nuestro camino de fe para el largo plazo, no sólo
mirar al presente. Tal vez enfocamos en el
presente y en el corto plazo, porque estamos abrumados con lo que está pasando
en nuestras vidas. Para muchos de
nosotros, 2014 fue un año difícil, especialmente con el tornado que devastó una
gran parte de nuestra ciudad. Podríamos haber tenido
luchas y desafíos en la escuela o en el trabajo, con nuestra salud o con
nuestras relaciones. Hemos tenido un montón
de cambios y desafíos, y un camino difícil aquí en nuestra parroquia, así el
año pasado. Algunos de nosotros
hemos tenido nuestros sentimientos de dolor a lo largo del camino, o tal vez no
entendemos la necesidad de que los cambios que hemos tenido en nuestra
parroquia. Sin embargo, hay mas de
nuestras necesidades y deseos individuales. Somos sin duda una parroquia muy
diversa. Las necesidades son muchas y variadas. Tal vez no entendemos las
necesidades de los demás o de ver más allá de nuestra propia zona de confort. El panorama general es
eso: construimos el Reino de Dios aquí en nuestra parroquia. Formamos los
discípulos en nuestra parroquia, al igual que Cristo llamó a sus discípulos en
el Evangelio de hoy. Necesitamos mantener nuestro enfoque en lo que es
1/18/2015 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – John 1:35-42
We have finished celebrating
our joyful Christmas season. We now have
5 Sundays in Ordinary Time before we start the holy season of Lent. Both this Sunday and next Sunday, we hear two different
conversions stories as different individuals choose to accept Jesus’ call to
follow a life of discipleship. Today, two of John the Baptist are intrigued by Jesus,
and they engage in a process to find out what Jesus is all about. In next Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus sees some
fishermen at work in the Sea of Galilee, calling them to be fishers of men.
Jesus gives the men in today’s Gospel a very
welcoming invitation - “Come and see” Since the time of those first disciples, Jesus
and his followers have been witnesses to their faith and have been inviting
others to come join them. John the
Baptist himself witnessed to two of his own disciples, calling Jesus “the Lamb
of God”. By doing so, John expands their view of who Jesus
really is. In fact, near the end of John’s Gospel, the
author states that this witness and these signs have been recorded here in the
Gospel in order that we may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son
of God, and through this belief, that we might come to have new life in him.
“Come and see” is not only the invitation these
young men receive in today’s Gospel; it is the invitation all of us receive. Yet sometimes we can be like Samuel in our first
reading. God kept calling out to Samuel, but Samuel was
confused. Samuel wasn’t sure who was calling out to him. It took four tries before Samuel could respond
directly to God. Sometimes we don’t recognize God immediately. However
the main thing is that we not give up, that we keep listening until we
recognize his voice.
“Come and see.” Like this welcoming invitation that Jesus extends
to us, we as believers are called to witness and invite others to the faith,
too. Look at how Andrew responds in the Gospel today –
he is a great example for us to follow. He hears the witness of John the Baptist, then
goes with Jesus to where he is staying, and he stays with him. He then searches out his brother, Simon Peter,
telling him with great excitement – “We have found the Messiah!” Andrew brings his brother to Jesus. He is so excited about sharing his new-found
faith with others.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
1/16/2015 – Friday of 1st Week in Ordinary Time – Psalm 95
Mein herz ist rein
Soll niemand drin wohnen
Als Jesus allein. Amen.
English translation:
I am small,
my heart is pure.
No one shall live in it
but Jesus alone.
I remember this traditional German bedtime
prayer that my grandfather taught me when I was a small child. I used to say it every night to my mom before
I went to bed, along with my prayers in English. My mom grew up in a German immigrant family
in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago. My
grandfather’s name was Wilhelm Spannenberg.
My grandmother was Clara Schramm.
Can’t get much German than that.
They were very proud of their German heritage and for my grandparents,
German was their mother tongue and the first language they spoke at home. I thought about this German bedtime prayer
that I used to pray every night as a small child in Chicago when I read the
first verse of our psalm today - “What
we have heard and know, and what our fathers have declared to us, we will
declare to the generation to come: the glorious deeds of the LORD and his
strength.” We pass down a lot of things
to our children. We do so through our
words and our actions. It is so
interesting how our church is packed on Christmas Eve Midnight mass each
year. People love midnight mass because
it is a tradition for them and most often something they remember growing up,
something they want to pass down in their family. Our faith has been passed down to us and now
we pass it down to further generations.
Are we even aware of this? There
is so much about our faith that we take for granted, yet we should appreciate
and treasure what we have and should enjoy passing it down to others. It is what we are called to do as a part of
our faith.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
1/15/2015 – Thursday of first week in Ordinary Time – Psalm 72
If today you hear God’s voice, harden not
your hearts…as in the day of Massah in the desert. Massah means “testing.” It is a place where the Israelites stopped in
the middle of the desert while they were on the Exodus after leaving Egypt on
the way to the promised land. At Massah, the Israelites argued with Moses
about the lack of water on their journey.
Moses rebuked them for testing God. We can all harden our hearts to God in
different ways, can’t we? We can be angry at God for this way our lives
turn out, for illness or disease or struggle in our own lives or in the lives
of our loved ones. We can hold a grudge, refusing to forgive or
to reconcile with our brothers and sisters. Like the Israelites, we can try to put God to
the test. Then, we can be disappointed
or angry with God if we don’t get what we want. Sometimes we come to God with a list of
things that we want, not asking what God wants of us. As the psalmist says, we need to open our hearts
to hear God’s voice.